Application for Membership

I certify that I have met all of following criteria for church membership:


1. Have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and are following Him today.

2. Have been water baptized by immersion.

3. Have a meaningful prayer life.

4. Read the Bible as a regular part of your daily life.

5. Have regularly attended weekend services.

6. Have faithfully tithed at Bethany Church for the past three months.

7. Agree with Bethany Church’s belief statements, strategy and structure.

8. Have protected Bethany Church’s unity by acting in love towards others, refusing to gossip and following the leadership.

9. Desire to share in the responsibility of Bethany Church by praying for its growth, by inviting the unchurched to attend, and by warmly welcoming those who visit.

10. Have completed our membership class.